Creating an API key

It’s important to remember that the token is exactly the same as giving someone your email and password. They will have access to act on behalf of you, be careful who you share your token to.

Creating an API key allows you to obtain access to the platform without having to login through the Swift Labs web application. The API key can be used to add and modify athlete and squad information and pull athlete activity data as well as additional administration functions.

Creating the Key

Navigating to your organisation settings and clicking on the last tab within the organisation settings will take you to your API keys for your organisation.

Clicking on the “Add Key” will take you to create a new API Key. To create a new key, three components are required, including; the token name, expiry and token scopes.

By default the token expiry is set to the maximum of three months and must be manually renewed once the token has expired.

Token Scopes

Token scopes restrict the amount of functionality the token has with the account. Selecting the athletes:read token will prevent the token from being able to create or remove an athlete. This gives you fine grain control over the amount of functionality and access the token has. Using the table below, you should determine the level of access required.

Using your token

Using an application like Postman is an ideal way to test your API key. Appending the token you just generated with the Authorisation header, will authorise the requests so long as the token has not expired and has the required scopes.

Authorization: JndHI3iPWR3n6oeMKyOeB1BAs4kbobfchkvakZG9b4sTuSZSr3kjBb3eZA5EjADt3XwP6SGmK0qibs82jIlb3w==

Additional Information

Additional information on the API requests available can be found within our API documentation here.

Common errors to look out for:

An invalid token will generate the following error.

{     "Message": "Unable to authorize user."}

A token without the required scope will through this error detailing the required scope for the request.

{     "Message": "Unable to authorize token, could not find scope athletes:read."}

It’s important to remember that the token is exactly the same as giving someone your email and password. They will have access to act on behalf of you, be careful who you share your token to.

Last updated