What is a Combine Vertical Jump Test?
Swift Performance prides itself on delivering data focussed results and hence bases its testing and reports on first principles whenever possible.
However, we have seen an increase in enquiries on why our EZEJUMP verticals don’t match that of YardStick or Vertec vertical reach tests. A Yardstick/Vertec test measures ultimate reach from a flat-footed stance, and includes the inertial advantage of swinging arms, plus some gain from shoulder rotation. EZEJUMP measures flight time and contact time, and calculates displacement of centre of mass from this data.
So, what to do?
Discussion with our clients has indicated that perhaps we could meet their requirements by introducing a ‘Combine Vertical Test Jump’ protocol, that uses some smart logic to estimate the jump height you might have achieved with a YardStick type device. This has led to this latest release of the ‘Combine Vertical Jump Test’.
This new Combine Vertical Jump Test is available now in the EZEJUMP app for both iOS and Android.
The test is a single jump test with swinging arms, to replicate the common combine vertical jump test as normally carried out with a mechanical vertical jump measuring device.
This estimated maximal reach is only available with the Combine Vertical Jump Test, and all your historical jump data will remain unchanged in the App and on Swift Labs.
To see estimated vertical reach in action, run this new test today!
Last updated